LIKE WOAH. So let's enumerate and critique every single number on this list
1. Your need to find meaning in everything usually culminates into crafting conspiracy theories about what the period placement in a text means.
Yups. Nothing is ever just simple as a smile, a yes, a no, an answer to a question or a grin of whatever. Everything for me has meaning. Like I assure everything if i ask if you're okay and you say you are, I will somewhat still insist if you're really telling the truth and sense if one is telling the truth. I think that it's hard nowadays to just simply take in whatever someone's answer is. Well okay one si of being an over-thinker is not everything is simple. There will ALWAYS be something behind everything. HAHA
2. You end up making every situation in your life about 100x more difficult than it has to be.
I hate to admit this but YES. Things are somewhat just easy just as decidin if you'll be walking down this or the other side, picking out an outfit for the day and most especially solving mathematical problems. HAHAHAHA! Whenever I encounter certain problems especially if it pertains to my love life, I will seriously make things kinda complex. I mean like whenever I'm in that certain situation I suddenly blank out because when my partner explains shit to me I'd be like jumbled in my mind and thinking that OH. SO THATS WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT NOT THE ONE I WAS THINKING ABOUT WHICH IS WAY TOO FRUSTRATING. Like why do I have to make things complex (at times) when things could be easier if dealt with a certain way. And especially when I'm on PMS. OH THINGS GET UGLY FOR ME HAHA
Sooooooo.... This situation butts in the saying that I MAY SEEM TO HAVE A STRONG YET SWEET PERSONALITY BUY OK I LACK THE STRONG PART. UGH. How I wish I'll be able to like build up that inner strength which would enable me to deal with situations on a former manner and in a stronger one where I would not be beaten up emotionally and mentally.
3. You cannot let anything go, because you’re convinced that if you just run over the details a few more times, you’ll finally uncover some new understanding of the situation or it will somehow change the outcome.
This is partially true of me. I mean like if I feel like something isn't as it seems I'd definitely insist and annoy the hell out of people and things. To mention: this does not only apply to over thinkers but also to people who has a strong sense of sensitive feelings towards people and situations *bow*
4. You’ve probably never been sure about a thing in your life. You’ve approached everything from choosing a school and a partner to your outfit in the morning and brand of bread at the grocery store with equal levels of angst.
This totally does not apply to me haha! I'm sure that I've applied at the right university, chose the right course, and more.
5. You could get a Master’s degree in interpreting what the song lyrics people post really mean.
Perfect example was his post "Just bent... :]"
C'mon dude. That lyrics is sooo Pink and Nate Russeu. And that smiley?!?!?! What the eff man! Are you seriously going to use that??? Like hello i feel like he's saying that we're not whole anymore just because of a petty crappy thing and now you're turned off?! Ouch man. OUCH
6. Though your critical thinking skills are pretty on point, the toughest reality you’ve had to come to terms with is the fact that, simply, not everything has a deeper, secret, hidden meaning that everyone knows but you.
Everything has meaning :( As much as I want to keep things simple, everything seriously has meaning. A simple response or reaction to certain situations have meaning. Like why would you respond in certain ways, act as such becaaaaaause there is an explanation to everything one does!
7. You’re constantly thanking the friends who stick around to hear you mull over the same details of a situation or relationship again and again, and though you never really arrive at a different conclusion, just the act of overthinking is enough for you.
I love to release what's inside but only to the people whom I trust and I know who would be able to help me and would not judge me nor spill the beans to anyone. I still believe in the saying that you must be very careful in everything- especially in choosing the person whom you would trust.
8. Constantly having to consult your other friends with screenshots and vivid details of any chance occurrence in your life is daily routine for you.
Noooooot everything in life of course like what I ate during breakfast lunch and dinner, when or how I took a bath eww!!
9. It doesn’t matter what word someone used, if there’s any way you can spin it to mean something more, you will. You’ll take the fourth definition of it in the dictionary, apply it to your worst trait and spend the rest of the day reeling.
HEHEHEHEHE only if that someone is my special someone, family, close friends or enemies 😈
10. You are known to regret texts, hesitate over writing emails, delete and re-write tweets, all because you could and should have said something other than what you did and will.
THIS IS MY FORTE IN LIFE. Almost every single post in all my social accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blogger, Tumblr, Yahoo, Gmail etc.) have been rewritten, deleted, reposed, edited, and every editing possible has been done! I always want to have the perfectly fitting words out there to express me and so as to sound more complex and understood by all. I do not want to be misinterpreted for the tweets I make or judged for Instagram posts and such.
11. Your hangover after a night out drinking is nothing compared to the fear of what you could and probably did say to that one person you do not want to look like an idiot around while you were drunk.
Those: CONVERSATIONS PLAYING OVER AND OVER AGAIN IN MY HEAD LIKE A BROKEN RECORD. I seem to have lagged thoughts and responses. I would regret thinking later on that this is what I should have said and what more I should have said.
12. Sleep is the most difficult aspect of your life, because laying silently in the dark is the only time you aren’t distracted enough to not be able to sink into racing thoughts.
As I lay on my bed quiet, trying to sleep, then all the solid thoughts flow in to mind and takes me hours longer before I fall asleep just thinking about them
13. You convince yourself that the worst case scenario will come true in basically, y’know, any scenario.
I describe myself as an optimist though there are times where all I could think about are the downfall of every situation like people sicken by me, loathing and soon enough leaving me. Those sort of things. It's just that sometimes, I seriously can not help but think that just because of one mistake people get turned off by you and with that slight misjudgement they start to loathe you and they'd be hurrying up to get out of your life.
Sooo that doesn't so optimistic of me ha ha
14. Social media is a minefield for you. You are certain every subtweet has something to do with you, even if it’s from a stranger, that so-and-so used that emoji because they’re flirting with the love of your life and so on and so forth.
Why does this totally define me??? Especially if my someone special tweet. TOTALLY TRUE UUGH EW @ME
15. If someone ever breaks up with you/declines to go out with you, you convince yourself it’s because of a hundred inconsequential missteps you made.
Mhmmmm. Like hello? What else could be the reason?
16. You often find yourself proudly stating to your friends that you “figured out” what someone “really meant” by something, only to have them laugh and say “you are so overthinking this, I can’t even right now.”
Mhmmm because it sometimes feel nice to rub it in someone's face HAHA. KIDDING. But yeah
17. You end up torturing yourself over every other banal side comment someone makes because obviously there is some meaning to be uncovered, it’s clearly just a matter of thinking about it until you find it.
Always. It's just that most of the time, people don't usually say what they really feel or think so they end up saying crap and behind it is the true meaning of what they really think or feel.
18. God forbid anyone unfollow you on Twitter or Instagram, because you won’t sleep until you figure out who it was and why.
And that is why sites like and the app Instafollow has been created by over-thinking geniuses! All you have to do is unveil the why in their actions.