Thursday, June 06, 2013

Movie Review: Now You See Me

Now You See Me
Directed by: Louis Leterrier

Jesse Eisenberg as D. Michael Atlas
Morgan Freeman as Thaddeus Bradley
Mark Ruffalo as Detective Hobbs
Isla Fisher as Hennley
Dave Franco as Jack Wilder
Woody Harrelson as Merritt McKinney 

Oh you'd never guess the twist in this movie. Haha!! I bet no one did. 
'Always be the smartest one in the room'
What a neat trick Michael Atlas! Jesse Eisenberg is so perfect for arrogant, smart-ass roles. He suits them so much! The talking fast, know it all act is something he has definitely mastered. Hoorah! Well thinking about it kind of versatile. He can also do the shy type, never been kissed roles like in Zombieland and Adventureland. (haha both titles got the word land in them) Right? Well he's adorable and applause to him!

Seriously. The closer you look....
The less you will see. 

Overall though the movie was pretty good. Pretty spectacular cause of the neat tricks and all that, the secrecy in everything and the mysteriousness in why they are doing all of those. They certainly weren't in it for the money but for the fame, success and just purely to entertain the crowd. The story though was a little bit too short? Well for me it was. It lacked the "story" itself in the movie that it needed a little bit more details on how it leads to the end. I mean we all got why all those happened, connecting this in that but it really lacked that umph in it.

But still great actors in one film so who would not want to see it? Plus their trailer is just amazeballs! 

On this scene gosh. What a neat trick! Dave Franco definitely did a great action scene here. Bravo to you. You do look handsome by the way hihi. With that slight cowboy -ish accent of your. Rarr!

 We are the four horsemen and goodnight!
(I can always here Isla Fisher's voice standing out when the four of them say this haha!)

Photo credit:

Star Rating: 7.5 ☆☆☆☆☆☆ out of 10 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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