The day went on smoothly. I kept strong and just wanted to fold into someone and that was in him. I saw him an hour after I arrived in school. He was there and he lent his ears to me and I was thankful I could open to him. I felt really comfortable with him that I just started tearing up and he just sat beside me and started to hug me. He thinks in a way where he considers every aspect, every option and with every person involved. He's selfless and I need selflessness in my life. He gave me ideas that were accurate with how the situation with me and dad were in. It felt good that I could've opened that to him yet I was shy because I knew he went through so much already that he learned to be strong and I was there beside him slightly breaking down and thinking lowly of myself. But despite that I knew I should smile. I was stronger. I felt stronger. I easily was able to pick myself up and just thought: LIFE GOES ON. JUST DEAL WITH EVERY AND SNY SITUATION.
I am thankful for him. I really am. He somewhat understands me and he totally makes me feel safe.
Lunch came and it was just me, him and Carlo who came to school that day. So we has lunch together. Fortunately, our two kabarkada ex-classmates had the same break as ours so we bonded over lunch. They were curious about how he and I have our thing now hehe. So they told me to tell them our story and I was like noooo he's just here beside me!! That would be totally awkward yet nice but noooo. So they suggested that they would just ask questions and that we just answer them and I was like fine with it so yeah. So they asked their first question, when did this all start? I looked at him and told him to answer my friend. And he answered first during his birthday and I was like uhm no? It was two days after his birthday!! Haha. So he told the story what happened and he asked me was that the one in the dorm? And I was like yes! And they reacted so funnily cause they assumed if we like did something HAHA. And we were like noooooo. So he told the story how he admitted and I responding to his admittance 😋 So next question: WHAT ARE YOU GUYS? And then again we couldn't answer because we didn't know where we are haha. But we are happy that's for sure especially for me. So pass pass next question please! So third and last question: are you courting Tin or are you MU or are you counting for MU or courting courting?? And we suddenly looked at each other and we definitely had the same thing in mind: THIS IS A TOPIC WE HAVENT DISCUSSED YET AND SHE ALREADY ASKED UUUUUUGH KROO KROO. HAHA. CRAZY HOW WE THINK ALIKE AT TIMES. So we were like referring to the previous question idk. Can't really answer the question because he honestly had no idea what to answer and to answer without us having discussed it HAHA.
So after all the questioning our two girl friends left for class and Carlo did too. So we were left alone at the restaurant. He started talking...
He started telling me how our friend Mina, went ahead of us haha. Like he was waiting for the right time, the right moment and the right situation when we could talk about it. But it was a topic that was already open so might as well talk about it now. He told me how he and his dorm mate Aldrin have already spoken about it and he first jocked asking me if I wanted to know what he told him and I was like uhmmm we're already into the situation. Might as well say it already HAHA! So he told me how he wasn't gonna court me yet because of the situation how illegal it would be for me and the timing isn't right yet. Especially with what I had going on with my dad, it wouldn't be like a good time for it. And I was like I totally agree with him. That we were on the same page which was great. I told him what Jj's advice was to me about labeling things. I opened to him how scary it was if certain situations would pop along the way. Especially if he suddenly leaves but I told him that I was sure that he wouldn't do that sort of thing. He smiled when he heard that and so did I inside. I was sure of him that he wouldn't do anything on purpose to hurt me. He would surely be vice-less, honest, loyal and always understanding to me. I told him that if he did court me at that moment I wouldn't say yes too because the time isn't right yet. YET. But if we were there at the spectacular, right moment, I would definitely say yes to him. We were leveled with each other in this situation that was great. We had an agreement and I was thankful we had that conversation.
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