Thursday, August 08, 2013

Fitness: Two and a Half Months' Progress

I am down at 104 pounds / 47.7 kilograms from 110 pounds since May. Two and a half Monty's progress and I am so happy I lost that six pounds. I'm aiming for a flat hundred so I'm continuing my diet but my workouts are sadly limited because of school :( I only get to Zumba once a week, Muay Thai once a week and twice a week's 30-minute jogging + another 30-minute ab workout after jogging. 

I honestly miss working out everyday chat post workout feeling is just great and my eating habits are slowly deteriorating. I'm suddenly experiencing binge eating and the food that I eat during that time are so unhealthy like junk food and processed ones. I'm trying so hard to control myself as so to remain fit and healthy not just become thin but healthy. 

Go me!!!! 

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