Sunday, April 07, 2013


I have thought about more than a hundred blog names to use. EmeraldSky. DiamondSky. AnonymousAndPeculiar. EmeraldGaze. EmeraldBlues. DiamondSeat. Those are some to name a few. Sadly all those that I wanted are all taken so I ended up using this: EMERALDLOOK

I am not too happy and ecstatic about my blog name but what the heck at least I have finally chosen one and I have started composing my very first blog post :) I just want to be able to express myself and my thoughts, dreams and share whatever is in my mind. Show myself as who I am, energetic, adventurous, shy (at certain situations), high-spirited and other things.

Confession #1 I am no good of a writer. When I was younger I did keep diaries and also a dream notebook. I do write my own paper assignments like my essays, reports and the like but other than that, I have never written anything else. With this blog, I do hope that I will be able to enhance my writing capabilities and hopefully mold myself in being a not so bad writer

Confession #2 I have had two or three failed blogs. One of them was a fashion blog where I posted my #OOTD and other stuff about fashion (Don't worry I have put them down already). I but the thing is when I created those blogs, I just compose and post drafts and that is it. I have never had the strength to publish them because..

Confession #3 I am afraid. I am the type of person who is petrified of those judgmental eyes/stares and consuming thoughts! They always seem to lower my level of self-esteem. (Well okay not entirely but they make me so conscious of myself!) I am still actually scared of how people (even though I do not personally know them) would think and how pretentious they think of me if I created a blog because it is kind of THE thing for the past year. But now I think I am able to do this so here I go! But then here's the catch: I am keeping my identity concealed. I may unconsciously give hints on who I am with my posts but not entirely revealing who I am to keep the secrecy and all that.

Confession #4 I feel like it's my time to shine!!!! I have always wanted to have a real blog and I guess this is my time. With my hectic schedule in life, I just hope that I would be able to maintain this blog and be able to update it daily. Well hopefully!

I know I am kinda too honest (and I think that I appear to be a little weak) and all that but what the hell. This is my blog and I can post whatever I want to!!! Freaking time to do whatever haha. K I am kidding! I just want to be able to express myself. I know that I'm no good writer and if ever I do get feedbacks, I'd be thankful that someone even spared the time to read what I have written.

P.S. I may be posting more than one post a day. Sorry in advanced for all the annoyance or whatever! Kudos!

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