Thursday, May 02, 2013

Get Healthy!

Eat more fruits over junk!!
When you work out and exercise, it's not just the work that makes you fit but it's more on what you put inside your body. It is what you eat. Eating a little bit of junk isn't that bad but it's better to keep away from those and opt for the healthier ones like fruits, vegetables, nuts or grains.

Eating better and healthier would instantly make you feel lighter, healthier and much more better! Tried and tested it. When I switched to eating fruits and nuts for snacks instead of chips, chocolates and other unhealthy stuff, I began to form more muscles and feel really healthier. It's as if my heart pumped more blood and that I won't get infected with any illness easily! My metabolism is also faster and my skin was also better!! Smoother and shinier were my skin and hair!

Healthier anything leads to a better you. A healthier you which you can turn into a lifestyle that would prevent you from having illnesses in the future. Start now while it's still early and make it your life style!

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