Monday, November 04, 2013

All Saint's Day Mallng

November 1, 2013
After weeks of just staying at home and purely gaining weight and taking care of my mother, we have finally gone out! What a great day and at the same time we got to watch Thor so hooray!

Well okay I just noticed that I gained five pounds over the semester break and that I have been active on my blog and not just posting passages and shit but actually writing on it and creating real posts from me. Finally being able to practice my typing skills and relinquishing my vocabulary just as to what I did there haha! 

So I've got less than a week before school starts and I bet I won't be able to regularly update this blog which is seriously sad but I will definitely create a farewell post to my semester break because it has been amaze balls! Like out of this world best sem break ever! 

I gotta mention though how good Thor 2 The Dark World was though I wasn't satisfied with it. I would definitely rate it a 7.5 out of 10 because it was lacking. The story, the story and just the story really lacks. I would love to have more bits and pieces on how cunning everyone was haha! But anyhoo it was a good movie. Effects were great, costumes were amazing!! Truly outstanding especially what Natalie Portman wore during her stay is Askgard was beautiful. Something I would definitely wear in parties, balls and all that. Just beautiful! And Thor (Chris Hemsworth) was such a cutie patootsies!!! A must watch I must say. Better catch it while it's still in theaters! 

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