Thursday, September 12, 2013

Wall Post: Hard

Q Post: Sad? Here's What You Do

When you’re sad:

1. Write letters to the people you love. 
Don’t seal them; don’t send them. 
Instead, stick them between the pages of library books.

2. Eat raspberries off your fingertips. 

3. Venture outside and observe natural life. 
Watch a honey bee suck the nectar from lavender plants. 
Watch a snail slowly make its way towards the shade of a tree. 
Watch a hummingbird innocently fly above your head. 
Realize how insignificant you are.

4. Smile at strangers; say hello. It will improve their day and your own.

5. Write lists. They can be about anything.

6. Read several pages of the dictionary. 
Learn new words. 
Write down the ones you wish to remember.

7. Never feel compelled to apologize when you don’t feel sorry. 
It’s okay that you’re honest. 
It’s okay that you have a different opinion from someone else.

8. Read books and watch movies from your childhood. 
A healthy dose of nostalgia is okay. 
Immerse yourself in your past innocence.

9. Walk to a park and get on a swing. 
Go as high as you can; feel limitless. 
The world is yours. 

10. Eat if you’re hungry. 
Food is not the enemy. 
You are a human and need food to survive. 
You deserve to eat. 
Put those raspberries on your fingers and sprinkle sugar on your tongue. 
Taste the summer breeze and sweet aroma of jasmine flowers.

11. Don’t marinate in your sadness. 
You are not a steak. 
You are a person; you’re irreplaceable. 
Open yourself up to contentment. 
Bathe in the rivers of Glee. 
Go for hikes with Satisfaction. 
Sleep in a warm cocoon of blankets with Bliss. 
Let endless happiness overcome your hopeless sadness. 
You deserve to be happy. 
If life is a game and you are the referee, be biased for once and let happiness win.

When You’re Sad by thewastedgeneration

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Friday, September 06, 2013

Q Post: Tiny Bits

“I firmly believe in small gestures: 
pay for their coffee, hold the door for strangers, 
over tip, smile or try to be kind even when you don’t feel like it, 
pay compliments, chase the kid’s runaway ball 
down the sidewalk and throw it back to him, 
try to be larger than you are—
 particularly when it’s difficult. 

People do notice, people appreciate. 
I appreciate it when it’s done to (for) me. 
Small gestures can be an effort, 
or actually go against our grain 
(“I’m not a big one for paying compliments…”), 
but the irony is that almost every time you make them, 
you feel better about yourself.

 For a moment life suddenly feels lighter, a bit more Gene Kelly dancing in the rain.”

Jonathan Carroll 

Wall Post: Start NOW

Monday, September 02, 2013

Q Post: Nostalgia

“We are the generation of nostalgia.
We grew up in the age of transition. 
From hand-written letters to electronic mails. 
From film to digital. 

We were fascinated by new things, 
neglecting the way we spend our afternoons. 
Cupcakes and tea. 
Play-Doh and Polly Pockets. 
Young and naive. 

Technology completely changed the way we waited 
and we grew up too fast. 

The simple things in life seems more meaningful now. 
We grew up in the age of transition 
and have become the generation of nostalgia"


Wall Post: Three